C ++ Language Basics
- Computers and Programming computers
- C++ Language: What is it? What is it for? How it works? Where is it used?
- C or C++ ?
- How to start programming in C++
- First C++ Program: "Hello, World"
- Simple output: cout, <<, endl, \n and others special characters
Simple output exercises in C++ - C++ Data Types, Variables, and Attribution: int, char, float, double, and bool
- The sizeof() function in C++ and other data types (short, long and unsigned)
- Math Operators: + - * / and %
- Operator Precedence and Grouping Expression with Parentheses
- User input data with CIN object
- How to comment your C++ code
- C++ Basics Exercises
Conversion between Celsius and Fahrenheit
Working with percentages
Average in C++
Simple calculator in C++
IF and ELSE tutorials
- Relational operators in C++
- The IF conditional statement
- The IF and ELSE statement
Even or Odd ? - The ternary condicional operator ?:
- Nested IF and ELSE statements
- Logical operators: AND (&&), OR (||) and NOT (!)
Leap year - Switch case statement
- IF, ELSE and SWITCH problems
Loopings (Repetition Statements)
- Operators of Assignment, Increment and Decrement
- WHILE loop
- DO WHILE looping
- FOR repetition statement
- Multiplication table with FOR, WHILE and DO WHILE
- Summation and Factorial
- Fibonacci series
- Exponentiation with loopings in C++
- Nested loopings
Powerball lottery - break and continue statements
- Loopings exercises
- Function: What it is? How it works? How create and Use?
- RETURN command: getting information from functions
- Parameter and Argument - Sending data to the functions
- Functions prototypes
- Local, Global, Constante and Static variables
- Default arguments
- Reference parameters and variables
- Function overloading
- Recursive functions
How to calculate GCD with recursion - The exit() function
- How to generate random numbers in C++ (rand(), srand() and time() functions)
- Exercises about funtions in C++
Arrays in C ++
- What are arrays? What are worth for? How do they work?
- How to declare, initialize, access and usa an Array
- Dice rolls in C++: Probability and Statistics
- Array searching: How to find de highest and lowest elements
- Arrays in functions
- Sorting Arrays Elements
- Matrix: An array of arrays
- Matrix in functions
- Arrays and Matrix exercises
How to program the tic-tac-toe game in C++
How to program the tic-tac-toe game in C++
- Pointers and Memory Address: what they are?
- How to declare, initialize and use pointers
- Pointers in Functions
- Pointers, Arrays and Arithmetic
- Pointers comparasion and const
- Dynamic Memory Allocation and Operators new and delete
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