C++ Free, Online and Complete Course Tutorial

C ++ Language Basics

  1. Computers and Programming computers
  2. C++ Language: What is it? What is it for? How it works? Where is it used?
  3. C or C++ ?
  4. How to start programming in C++
  5. First C++ Program: "Hello, World"
  6. Simple output: cout, <<, endl, \n and others special characters
    Simple output exercises in C++
  7. C++ Data Types, Variables, and Attribution: int, char, float, double, and bool
  8. The sizeof() function in C++ and other data types (short, long and unsigned)
  9. Math Operators: + - * / and %
  10. Operator Precedence and Grouping Expression with Parentheses
  11. User input data with CIN object
  12. How to comment your C++ code
  13. C++ Basics Exercises
    Conversion between Celsius and Fahrenheit
    Working with percentages
    Average in C++
    Simple calculator in C++

Loopings (Repetition Statements)


  1. Function: What it is? How it works? How create and Use?
  2. RETURN command: getting information from functions
  3. Parameter and Argument - Sending data to the functions
  4. Functions prototypes
  5. Local, Global, Constante and Static variables
  6. Default arguments
  7. Reference parameters and variables
  8. Function overloading
  9. Recursive functions
    How to calculate GCD with recursion
  10. The exit() function
  11. How to generate random numbers in C++ (rand(), srand() and time() functions)
  12. Exercises about funtions in C++

Arrays in C ++

  1. What are arrays? What are worth for? How do they work?
  2. How to declare, initialize, access and usa an Array
  3. Dice rolls in C++: Probability and Statistics
  4. Array searching: How to find de highest and lowest elements
  5. Arrays in functions
  6. Sorting Arrays Elements
  7. Matrix: An array of arrays
  8. Matrix in functions
  9. Arrays and Matrix exercises
    How to program the tic-tac-toe game in C++


  1. Pointers and Memory Address: what they are?
  2. How to declare, initialize and use pointers
  3. Pointers in Functions
  4. Pointers, Arrays and Arithmetic
  5. Pointers comparasion and const
  6. Dynamic Memory Allocation and Operators new and delete


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