In this tutorial of our C++ course, we'll go into more detail about this powerful and fantastic C++ language, explaining what it really is, what it is for, where and how it should be used, what purposes and other important information!
What is C++?
C++, in short, is nothing more than a way, a language, to communicate with computers, to program them to do whatever we want, since they are extremely fast machines in calculations.That said, we can say that C ++ is a compiled, multi-paradigm, and commonly used programming language. That is ... hi ?! Calm down, we will learn every detail about this throughout the course, just study in order of summary, step by step, progressively and without hurry.
I also hate these definitions and technical explanations, but it's part of it.
What we can tell you is that it is such a good language, so versatile and so powerful that it has been one of the most widely used languages in the world for decades, and there is so much, but so much program made using it, that the demand for C++ programmers is still high. absurdly high, and the coolest: few people study and learn, especially for lacking good and free content about it.
But this is where Progressive C++ comes in: we will do our best to provide you with the largest, best and most complete C++ language material, completely free, online and without asking for anything (nor do we require logging in, studying, practice and become a programmer $$).
C ++ is a middle level language, a middle ground between high level language (like Python) and low level language (like Assembly), that is, it has characteristics of these two 'worlds'. C ++ is really cool, it has no other definition.
It is also multiplatform, meaning it works on Windows, Mac, Linux ...
C and C++
As the name may suggest, the C++ language derives from the C language (see: C Progressive), ++ means increment. That is, we can say that C ++ is an incremented C language.It was developed by dear Bjarne Stroustrup, back in 1983, when he called the C language with classes (later you will understand why).
At the time, C was used to create and develop Unix, the dominant operating system at the time (which gave rise to many current operating systems, such as Linux - please study and try to use Linux on your PC, it's worth it, you will be a different programmer).
However, C was a more 'raw', 'dry' and 'straight' language.
Bjarne wanted to improve on this, give C new functionality, make it easier, more flexible, with more possibilities and implementations that make the programmer's life easier.
Undoubtedly, one of these most important implementations is that it is object oriented and has STL (a package of code and features ready for the programmer to use, without having to 'reinvent the wheel' - we will understand this in more detail in the future) , in our course).
It is noteworthy that C has always been a fast and efficient language, which was properly respected in the creation of C++.
Programs developed in C++
So much, but so much done in C++, that it was hard to separate what would be interesting to show. But, no doubt, just about anything you want to do can be done in C ++.Let's look at just a few examples:
- Microsoft Windows (yes, for the most part, the most famous operating system in the world is C++ !!!), and its programs, such as Office (yes, Word, Excel, Powerpoint and everything else you use, is C ++). )
- Adobe Photoshop
- MySQL (most commonly used database system)
- Browsers such as Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer
- Web systems such as Google, Youtube, Amazon.con
- Spotify
- Games (many, but many games uses C++, especially those that use a lot of memory and system requirements, because C++ is a very fast and efficient language)
- Games: Doom III engine, Counter Strike, Sierra Online Birthright, Hellfire, Football Pro, Bullrider I & II, Trophy Bear, Kings Quest, Antara, Hoyle Card games suite, SWAT, StarCraft Blizzard, StarCraft: Brood War, Diablo I , Diablo II Lord of Destruction, Warcraft III, World of Warcraft, Starfleet Command, Invictus, PBS's Heritage: Civilization and the Jews, Master of Orion III, CS-XII, MapleStory, WOW
- Video games such as PC, XBox One, PS4 and Switch
- Critical programs such as servers and microcontrollers
- New programming languages
- Embedded systems
- Several Machine Learning libraries are ready made in C ++
- University and scientific programs
- Compilers
- Rendering of images, animations, graphics and videos due to the high performance and performance that C ++ can offer.
- GUI (Graphical User Interface), that is, those graphical interfaces that you see (windows, menus, buttons, forms, etc.) in programs, mostly made in C ++
- Banks, brokerages and other financial systems applications, as C ++ is extremely reliable and accurate
- New systems that require C compatibility
- Robotics and automation
- Telecommunications
Where C++ is not (so) used
There is no better programming language, put that in your head.What exists is the best programming language for a specific purpose and purpose, who says one is better or worse, haters and people with limited vision in the computer business.
If you are asked in a job interview (and go), what is the best language, answer: it depends on the project you want to do.
So it is also important to know where you don't use C ++ much:
- Web Front End Applications: Because it is a compiled language, it will not run directly in the browser, unlike interpreted languages such as JavaScript, which is 'read' line by line.
- Mobile apps like Android. In this case, the Java language dominates
- Server side scripting, scripting languages there still dominate, like PHP and Python
- Very low level programs, ie, that 'talk' directly to the hardware, in which case we recommend studying C or Assembly
- Applications where maximum possible efficiency is required
- To talk a little about this last item: although C ++ is a C implemented, that does not mean that it is better in C than anything else, C would not exist.
C++ has a few more tools, so to speak. However, this has a cost, it is 'heavier', since more stuff comes in. So if you want maximum efficiency (such as a super fast and reliable operating system such as Linux or a rocket launch or a nuclear power plant server, you may want maximum capacity and reliability, and you will use a C or Assembly).
In the other 99% of everyday possibilities (unless you want to develop your own nuclear power plant), C++ will be more than perfectly enough for what you want to develop (program or game, for people to use on their computers). .
References and sources of study
Compiled Programming LanguageC++
C++ applications
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