Arrays in C++

In this section, we will begin the study of data structures.

Data structure is a group, or collection, of information, with some characteristics in common, whose objective is to deal with any amount of information in a very simple, easy and automated way.

We will start our studies with the famous vectors, also known as arrays. They are identical to those used in the C language, based on pointers, the subject of the next section of our C++ e-book.

Good studies.

Arrays in C ++

  1. What are arrays? What are worth for? How do they work?
  2. How to declare, initialize, access and usa an Array
  3. Dice rolls in C++: Probability and Statistics
  4. Array searching: How to find de highest and lowest elements
  5. Arrays in functions
  6. Sorting Arrays Elements
  7. Matrix: An array of arrays
  8. Matrix in functions
  9. Arrays and Matrix exercises
    How to program the tic-tac-toe game in C++

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