Now, in this section, we'll learn how to make our programs bigger, more organized, and more useful by using functions.
Let's start saving our code for future reuse as C++ programmers.
When you start a new project, you will see that you have a lot of things ready, because you have programmed and saved several functions, which will do specific tasks on various systems that you will program.
Yes, understand the dancing of functions in C ++!
- Function: What it is? How it works? How create and Use?
- RETURN command: getting information from functions
- Parameter and Argument - Sending data to the functions
- Functions prototypes
- Local, Global, Constante and Static variables
- Default arguments
- Reference parameters and variables
- Function overloading
- Recursive functions
How to calculate GCD with recursion - The exit() function
- How to generate random numbers in C++ (rand(), srand() and time() functions)
- Exercises about funtions in C++
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