Dynamic allocation of objects with pointers: The new and delete operators

In this tutorial of our Object Orientation Course in C++, we will learn how to use pointers with objects, and see a new way to allocate memory.

Object Pointers

Initially, we will create a class, called Student, which will have two variables (math and english), which will store the student's grades. There will also be a get and set, and a getAverage() call to calculate the average for each student.

Our class, all complete and cute looks like this:

class Student
        double math, english;

        double getAverage() const;
        void setMath(double);
        void setEnglish(double);
        double getMath() const;
        double getEnglish() const;

double Student::getAverage() const
    return (getMath() + getEnglish())/2;

void Student::setMath(double m)
    math = m;
void Student::setEnglish(double e)
    english = e;
double Student::getMath() const
    return math;
double Student::getEnglish() const
    return english;

We will now declare a pointer named 'ptr' of type Student:

  • Student *ptrStudent

Now let's actually declare an object of the Student class:

  • Student s1;

We can associate the pointer with the object as follows:

  • ptrStudent = &s1

(don't forget &, remember that pointers store memory addresses, and by placing & before a variable, it gives the address of that variable)

Working with Pointers with Classes and Objects: ->

As we are already studying pointers, we saw that they can work wonders.
For example, in the previous example, for the pointer to access the elements of an object, we must use the operator ->

Let's define two grades for a student:
  • ptrStudent-> setMath (8);
  • ptrStudent-> setEnglish (10);

And to know the average, using a pointer, just do:
  • ptrStudent-> getAverage()

Our complete code is:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Student
        double math, english;

        double getAverage() const;
        void setMath(double);
        void setEnglish(double);
        double getMath() const;
        double getEnglish() const;

double Student::getAverage() const
    return (getMath() + getEnglish())/2;

void Student::setMath(double m)
    math = m;
void Student::setEnglish(double e)
    english = e;
double Student::getMath() const
    return math;
double Student::getEnglish() const
    return english;

int main()
    Student *ptrStudent;
    Student s1;

    ptrStudent = &s1;

    cout << ptrStudent->getAverage()<<endl;

    return 0;
Note that we used only one student, we could have created a thousand students and make the pointer point to each one of these students, and the code would always be the same, for example:
Student s1, s2, s3, s4;

Do: ptrStudent = &s1
Then: ptrStudent = &s2
Then: ptrStudent = &s3
Then ptrStudent = &s4

And ready, then just use usr
ptrStudent-> setMath();
ptrStudent-> setEnglish();
ptrStudent-> getAverage()

This avoids writing code for nothing.

Allocating space for objects: new operator

There is a new way to instantiate objects, it is from the new operator.
First you declare your pointer:
  • MyClass *ptr;
At this point, do we have a pointer to point to an object? What object is that? Let's create it now, as follows:
  • ptr = new MyClass

Deleting objects - delete

When we create an object, via normal instantiation, it will always exist and occupy a space in memory. One of the advantages of making dynamic memory allocation, through new, is that we can destroy this pointer, destroying this object and freeing space in memory, for this, just use the delete operator:
  • delete ptr;

And ready, we have a free space on the machine. This may seem silly now, but when you create super complex systems that require maximum efficiency and the least possible use of memory (such as programming a watch or microwave, which has little memory), it is a very important technique.

See the code below, just with a pointer, we fill the grade of two students and calculate their average, and all this just as an object / pointer of the Student class. See how the code looks:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Student
        double math, english;

        double getAverage() const;
        void setMath(double);
        void setEnglish(double);
        double getMath() const;
        double getEnglish() const;

double Student::getAverage() const
    return (getMath() + getEnglish())/2;

void Student::setMath(double m)
    math = m;
void Student::setEnglish(double e)
    english = e;
double Student::getMath() const
    return math;
double Student::getEnglish() const
    return english;

int main()
    Student *ptrStudent;
    ptrStudent = new Student;

    cout << "Studant average 1: " <<ptrStudent->getAverage()<<endl;

    cout << "Studant average 2: " <<ptrStudent->getAverage()<<endl;

    delete ptrStudent;

    return 0;

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